Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hi, Happy Wednesday! 
One of my favorite days of the week: One, because its one day closer to Friday and Two, they give my favorite tv show at the moment which is, American Horror Story! Do you guys watch it?! It is pretty intense this season I have to say. Let me know what you think of it so far if you do watch it. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you guys a bit about stepping out of your comfort zone, particularly when meeting/talking to people. I bring it up because I have met and continue to meet some pretty amazing people. Ever since I started this blog, it has made me work on my "people skills" everyday and I am so thankful for it. Before, I use to be pretty shy to just walk up to people or introduce myself; but now, it comes as second nature. Its great to connect with others in a way that you could relate with what you're talking about. So go out there and be awesome! Chances are, the person you go up to will think you're awesome as well. LOL. Ok I am done preaching.. for now.

Let's move you guys remember this duster vest I purchase a couple weeks ago?!
Yeah, well I am still obessed with it, so here it is again (yes guys, bloggers repeat outfits, SHOCKER,lol)!! A little remix for you today. This time around, I dressed it down with a basic and simple little black dress, my new favorite flats, and a structured hat! This is exactly why I love this vest, you could pretty much pair it with anything. I am really thinking about getting the nude version (see it HERE). I also threw in this super cute faux leather clutch. The ones that know me well know that this clutch was made for me ;) (Bonjour!) You could also see how I dressed up this vest here, in case you missed it before.

Thanks for stopping by, it means alot! xx

Photos by: The Fashion Buffet

Hat: Marshalls (same style here)
Dress: Forever 21 (a steal! $7!)
Vest: Forever 21 (the best!)
Flats: Forever 21 (Obsessed!)
Clutch: Costa Berre (love this one too!)

Wednesdays are the best days, because we sip champagne when we thirstayyy!

(10 points to you if you know what song I remixed that from, LOL!)


  1. Lol I love the Biggie remix. That clutch is sooo cute! I've seen tons of cute stuff at Costa Berre. I think what I'm loving most is that duster jacket lol, it's a perfect staple piece, where did you find it?

  2. Lol I love the Biggie remix. That clutch is sooo cute! I've seen tons of cute stuff at Costa Berre. I think what I'm loving most is that duster jacket lol, it's a perfect staple piece, where did you find it?
