Florals are forever, Goodbye Summer!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hey guys ! Sooooo I know by the time you read this I'll be already fully immersed into the European culture! I am currently in Europe living one of my biggest dreams, and it has finally come to a reality. Make sure to follow me on all social media for updates! I will try my best to be as active as I can, but I also have to think about that hefty bill I'm going to get by the time I come back home. LOL !! Just bare with me because I will try my best! <3

boho florals

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hi there! I hope you are all having a great week :)  These past couple of days have been a little difficult for me on a personal level; so many things happening and so many things to do, but nonetheless, here I am! :)
Now let's jump into this easy-breezy outfit. 

Nautical Vibes & a honest heart

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Happy Wednesday guys!
Can you all believe that we are already in the month of August?! It's unreal how quickly the time passes. Pretty soon, it'll be December and we'll be ringing in 2017! It's crazy to me,  and also to be honest, I've been thinking about every aspect about that lately.