Happy Wednesday everyone :) Hope you had a great weekend. I know I did :) Thanks for stopping by for today's post. Today will be about something that I've never spoken about before, and that is babies..kids essentially. I don't have any, and honestly, not sure when it'll be in the cards for me to have one, but I know when the time is right, it'll happen.
So anyways, if you follow me on instagram, you'd know that this passed weekend I spent it in Orlando, FL at Disney World. I had such a great time, and it was even more special because I was there to accompany my best friend in celebrating her son's (my god son) first birthday! It was so much fun and I'm glad to keep those memories forever. Although, he just turned one years old, I am sure he'll remember some moments. I know I remember some moments when I was that young...even my first birthday! Mine wasn't at Disney but you get the point lol. So I wanted to talk about my experience being there with a one year old. It was completely different than the other times I've gone, but in a good way. I've spent time with him for a couple hours, but not like this...so it really opened up my eyes and I saw Karel(my best friend) in a different light. Before, we'd usually be worrying about what type of drinks we would be drinking for lunch LOL. But now, with Ethan, it's making sure we prep and have enough food/milk for baby EJ before we ever think of eating ourselves. It has been so refreshing and heart-warming to see a person you've known half your life become a mom right before your eyes...and I'm not just saying it because shes my best friend but, she really is the best mother ever. Ethan is a lucky boy to have her, and I hope and pray that one day I'll be able to follow her and her examples. Ok, I'm literally crying as I'm writing this because it is just so true. If you're a Mom (or mommy-to-be), just know that you have one of the most toughest but rewarding roles ever, and that's raising another human being into their best self and staying sane during the process :) ...
Ok, I'm done with my essay lol... so while we were in orlando, these are just some things that I noticed / were effective when being there with Ethan.
1. During breakfast time, make sure to keep them busy. Wether its giving them cereal snacks or bringing extra toys for them to play with while you eat...make sure to have something.
2. Ethan is a pretty active baby, so he always had us on our toes. If it was up to him, he'd be walking all over the park. He doesn't fully walk on his own just yet, but everytime we would put him to walk with one of us holding his hand...he would be the happiest baby ever. Not sure what he was thinking...but I'm sure he felt encourage and motivated to start walking then being carried all day.
I dieeee. I love this photo. LOL.
I dieeee. I love this photo. LOL.
3. If all else fails, search for a educational cartoon on youtube and let them watch it for a little while. I promise they'll zone out, even if its just for a couple of minutes. No judgements. LOL.
4. As much as you want it to, the day will not go completely perfect...and that's ok.
5. Instead of only bringing pre-packaged food, bring other options that you prepare yourself and know exactly what's in it. Pack it and keep it in a air tight insulated thermos so it could stay hot! Try this one !
(I'll add anymore as I think of them...but this is all for now...)
4. As much as you want it to, the day will not go completely perfect...and that's ok.
5. Instead of only bringing pre-packaged food, bring other options that you prepare yourself and know exactly what's in it. Pack it and keep it in a air tight insulated thermos so it could stay hot! Try this one !
(I'll add anymore as I think of them...but this is all for now...)
I also asked Karel to share with you all some tips when traveling and going to Disney World or any type of amusement park really. So in her own words, here is what she had to say:)
1. Bring ONLY the necessary
items; Don’t over pack. Check the weather ahead of time, and pack according to
how the climate will be that day. If it’s going to be hot, just pack lightweight
outfits. Also, a clip-on fan (this one is great too) for the stroller will work and keep baby cool if
its warm. On the other hand, if it going to be cold, a couple jackets and
blankets will work just right. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, you
will use the same 2-3 outfits you packed out of the 30 outfits that you also
brought. (Mommies just like to over-do it )
2. Plan the outfits &
have the diaper bag ready the night before. This makes it easier for you; all
you would have to do in the morning is feed them, change diapers, and out the door
to begin a magical day.
3. Bring a light Stroller
(avoid big/bulky strollers) & a “diaper bag” backpack. This is a MUST-have
for the process to be smooth during the times you need to quickly open/close
the stroller; especially at any of the Disney transportation to the parks. Such a time
4. PATIENCE is key. Bringing
small children to Disney might not be 100% “a walk in the park”(literally..as
cliche as it sounds). They will cry, throw tantrums, get hungry, want to go to
sleep and basically be extremely overwhelmed with the crowds. So be prepared to
have an open mindset and to just care for their needs.
5. Plan the fast passes
for the rides ahead of time. There are tons of rides you can go on with your
little one; that way, they won’t have to miss out on all the fun. The best part
is that Disney offers an easy process called “child swap”. Basically, if any family
member stays behind to care for your little one, they can get on the ride right
after you because they provide them with a fast pass, so they don’t have to
wait in line again. That way, no one stays behind. (Ohana). (You would need to ask a cast member
about it, and they will give you a lanyard with a card on it, so the moment you
get on the ride they’ll exchange the card for a fast pass for the next person
to get on the ride and not wait in line!)
P.S- At every Disney
Park, there is a First Aid/ Baby Care Center! If your little one gets hurt, don’t
worry, they have plenty of aid if they are in need. You could also purchase
food for them if you accidentally run out, as well as, diapers and many other
small necessities. It’s also complete with a room where mommies can go and
nurse/breast-feed their children.
We had dinner with "Mickey and friends" at "Chef Mickey's" at the Contemporary Resort.
It was so cool :)
Selfie with the one and only :)
My Mickey ears are from this shop ! They have amazing designs :)
Ethan with Daddy :)
A Mickey explosion happened in the hotel room ;)
I find this photo hilarious. LOL :D
Thanks for stopping by :) If you liked this type of post...please let me know in the comments. I appreciate feedback :)
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